EROMO includes three serving trays, motorized wheels, batteries, a sophisticated controller running proprietary software, a touchscreen display input device, a navigation system complete with associated cameras and lidar sensors, a speaker (for talking), and an optional 3D hologram (for advertising). It has top, middle, and lower shelves to carry food plates, drinks, bowls, utensils, condiments, and other items needed by customers.
With a 17.3 in shelf diameter and a payload capacity of 44 lb, the robot can carry many things, such as large pizzas. It moves about effectively on most flooring types, including tile, wood, cement, and carpet.
To get started, the user must allow the robot to map the restaurant’s interior by circulating the restaurant for several hours. No additional programming is required from the user. Once the restaurant has been mapped, the user simply inputs the table number where SEROMO is to deploy. The robot automatically moves to that location at a maximum speed of 3.9 fps (2.7 mph). It has a continuous operating time of 72 hr, giving it plenty of battery life to operate throughout a 12–16 hr serving day. After work, the user simply plugs the robot into a 220 V circuit to recharge over about 5 hr.
Marine Transportation Vessel
The M80 model, the world’s first commercialized WIG-Craft, has obtained a certificate classification from the Korean Register of Shipping (KR) on March 31, 2020, after passing its rigorous performance evaluation and manufacturing standards.
The certification paves the way for domestic operation and overseas exports of the Korean-designed and manufactured WIG-Craft.
The eight-seater M80 model can take off and land on up to 1.8 m high waves and fly up to an altitude of 150 m for civilian use under the International Maritime Organization (IMO) guidelines, dramatically improving the operation rate throughout the year.
It is the It is the world’s first certified B-Type WIG-Craft for practical maritime operation with low operating and maintenance costs.
The IM0 and the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) classify the WIG-Craft as a marine vessel.650 km with 600ℓof jet fuel and a top speed of 135 kn (250 km/h), which is on par with helicopter and 4-5 times faster than
a high-speed ferry.

Fuel Saving Coolant Additive
Greenixx is a greenhouse gas reduction additive added to the radiator coolant of vehicles running on fossil fuels.
It promotes complete fuel combustion, increasing fuel efficiency and reducing sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) in smoke and exhaust gases.
Negative and positive charges generated from the fuel are diffused and moved widely inside the cylinder by the nano ions of the additive, enabling complete combustion of the injected fuel. It also reduces fuel costs and harmful gases, reduces noise and improves engine output.
Greenixx products can be used in Diesel, Gasoline, LPG all-fuel vehicles, hybrid vehicles, agricultural machinery and construction equipment, and ships. For vehicles, Greenixx I is used for vehicles with a displacement of less than 2,000 cc

Curae dictum lacus quis
Fusce eget nibh et lacus tincidunt rhoncus. Proin luctus eu erat quis tincidunt. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse ullamcorper nunc eu placerat fermentum.
Etiam scelerisque iaculis felis, eu sollicitudin arcu hendrerit vitae. Aliquam eget dapibus nulla. In nulla enim, fermentum nec placerat hendrerit, sagittis et diamer nunc eu placerat fermentum.
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam dui libero, tempor quis congue in, interdum eget tortor. Nam et urna ante, vitae pretium lacus vehicula. Sed rhoncus ullamcorper mauris, ac condimentum metus egestas ut. Nam et urna ante, vitae pretium lacus.